I Want To Straddle Your Head

I want to straddle your head
Yes, you heard me
I want to straddle your head
I want to be the mystery
In the history
That makes you wonder
I want to be the
Query behind the thought process
That makes you wonder
I want to be the idea that runs around in your head all night
I want to be that light bulb that goes off
When you see the light
I want to hold your focus captive
So that all you think about is me
And I am on your brain
I told you
I want to straddle your head
I need to be
On the left hemisphere
And then on the right
I need to be
The prefrontal cortex
And touch your
Optic chiasm and provide you sight beyond sight
I need to dwell in your medulla oblongata
So that I can be your breath and your rest
And you will need nothing else
I mean nada
I want to be your ebb and your flow
Your come and your go
And you and I will only know
How far into you I burrow
I need to only
Touch your hand to take your pulse
And I can feel your breathing change with a hug
I want to wrap you up
With my touch
But only provide you just enough
Because, I want to straddle your head
I want to be on your mind all of the time
No photograph
Or nothing touching
I told you before
I don’t make love
I make memories
I want you to be able to replay every bit of me
I want to be your radio music hall symphony
I want to be the everlasting energizer in your battery
I want my essence to pulsate through every axon
And dendrite in your body
I want my second language to be your subliminal messages
I need to know that my kinetic is your automatic
And your potential is more than static
You just need a smell of me to bring me back
And this is the way that is seems to start…
Because, I want to straddle your head.

© 2014 Iris Perkins. All rights reserved. Content may not be copied or used in whole or part without written permission from the author.

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